Weekly Wrap-Up 9-7-20

I have been doing 3 hour portrait studies in waves. One night I do a couple of sketches, the next night some rendering and the next night add colors and play with the layers a bit. I have a few more to upload at some point. For this months character design challenge the theme was animal skatepark. I designed a 60’s poodle skateboarder.

Weekly Wrap-Up 8-16-20

Getting back to posting more regularly now. Did a series of studies 1 hour a day I gave myself a week to work on each study avg 4 hours each. Besides that went though a couple of tutorials for audio integration in Clip Studio it’s really coming together. The illustrations posted below are for the monthly character design challenge topic fairy and the other I just wanted to draw an archer.

Weekly Wrap-Up 7-12-20

For this months character design challenge the theme was dinosaur racer. I liked what the initial first concept was in my head and just ran with it. A fan art in honor of finishing Gundam 08th Team fantastic series. Looking at a number of animation books I am still experimenting with a concise animation workflow. I do 90% of the work in Clip Studio select fill paint is pure magic.

A workflow test with some layer effects.
Big fan of the comic book series Excellence by KHARY RANDOLPH and BRANDON THOMAS a good reason to do a test with everything I have put together.

Weekly Wrap-Up 6-15-20

I think I am done with my Control illustrations that game really made an impression on me. Besides that going all in on some fan art lately a couple of illustrations from Ghost in the Shell and BNA. I did a couple of concepts but went with a different character for the monthly character design topic Final Fantasy. I went with Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII.

Weekly Wrap-Up 5-18-20

Really trying to get into a habit of doing a couple of illustrations a month in 16:9 format. Always trying to push my storytelling skills higher and higher.

Besides that watching sentai shows at lunch have gotten me into a mood lately. I am constantly drawing dueling character poses before or after point of impact. Two in particular I am using OC’s designed by Rocketboi for his new IP. The other a YA version of a Power Ranger designed by Li.Cree.

Weekly Wrap-Up 5-4-20

Just a few illustrations finished up lately. I was reminded the other day just how great the OP to Record of Lodoss is and wanted to draw a couple of the characters in modern clothing. Recently got around to playing Control for my PS4 it’s a pure visual treat. I made a couple of fan illustrations after finishing the game.

This months character design challenge was doctors/nurses. I went with a doctor who uses his fist to battle viruses.

I want to do more animation but time isn’t infinite so here is a mid-jumpkick pose. I used Marco Nelcor’s sentai character as the reference.

Weekly Wrap-Up 4-26-20

Now that I feel pretty comfortable with Procreate I am doing some more dynamic layouts with the grid and perspective tools. I also want to try using a couple of modeling tools I have on iPad to do rough layouts for scenes. Late night I have been watching random sentai series so I have been doing a number of sentai characters and poses that I need to get around to clean-up and posting.

Weekly Wrap-Up 4-5-20

For April’s character design challenge Norse Goddess Hel and her Hellhound. Also a couple of drawings for draw this in your style challenges. Lately I have been trying to focus more on color saturation and experimenting with a looser style. Spending so much time with Procreate I really feel more and more comfortable as time goes on.

Weekly Wrap-Up 3-15-20

Mostly these days trying to push a couple of styles in Procreate and see what I can do. My monthly character design challenge illustration this month’s topic: Brazil Carnival. The other illustration was for a draw this in your style challenge. I never get tired seeing other artists interpretations of someone’s style.

Weekly Wrap-Up 2-16-20

The last couple of weeks I have been experimenting with a watercolor brush set for Procreate. Besides that I am really trying to get a consistent workflow out of Procreate. Every week I feel a little bit more comfortable with the small UI features. I of course found the time to complete an illustration for last months character design challenge topic cormorant fishing.