Weekly Wrap-Up 12-23-19

This is going to be last blog post for 2019. It’s been quite a year learned a lot about different style processes and a few new programs. As always I am excited to see where it all goes for the New Year. I finished a couple more weekend model reference studies and tried my hands at some animation using the new toolset in Procreate version 5.

For the rest of the year I plan on doing some back-ups, clean-ups and layout for my annual sketchbook. It’s still one of my favorite parts of the design process…Vol. 5 coming soon.

Weekly Wrap-Up 10-13-19

Finishing up a side project so I haven’t been doing many smaller drawings. I did find the time to do an Elf warrior for last months Character Design Challenge. A video game was recently released called Sayonara Wild Hearts the music and the world design really inspired me. I did a couple of late night illustrations based on a couple characters in the game.

Weekly Wrap-Up 9-30-19

Experimented with a couple more designs using Procreate and comic tones. I really like how it looks when it’s at 100% view and it really looks faded with stains. During the summer I did a number of small illustrations and created a fun summer artbook will all of my drawings in them. I still plan on creating a 2019-2020 artbook this was more spur of the moment looking at books on sale online after missing out on Lightbox Expo. I also did an illustration in honor of Batman Day.

Weekly Wrap-Up 9-10-19

After replacing my Apple Pencil 2 and getting a paper-like screen on my iPad I really feel comfortable with Procreate. Last week I purchased a brush pack from True Grit Texture Supply that emulates the offset print effect of comic book pages. It’s been so much fun trying to get that effect just right. I don’t want to draw characters in that golden age comic style just trying to find a style that works for me.

Besides that over Labor Day weekend I finished my most recent animation study in Clip Studio. Afterwards I used it in my first animation compilation it’s 22 seconds long but we all have to start somewhere.

Weekly Wrap-Up 8-28-19

Spending sometime getting better with Procreate. It took some experimenting with a couple of brushes to get just the right blue pencil effect to do rough sketches with. During the month of July I did a number of after lunch sketches in my at work sketchbook. A couple of weeks ago I cleaned up the scans and laid them all out on one page.

Weekly Wrap-Up 1-14-18

Glad to get my physical art book this week from Lulu.com. It’s 56 pages full color with a hardbound design. Besides that I have been going back to Procreate lately the pencil tool feels much better since the last round of updates. I still prefer Clip Studio but it’s fun to record my drawing session.


Weekly Wrap-Up 2-5-17

Recently a couple of people have asked me to do drawings of them just quick portrait stuff. I like the challenge of looking at a face and breaking down what makes that persons face stand out. Also the usual late night illustrations.








Finally, I created a ONE PAGE PORTFOLIO. My main website is mostly for illustration but I thought it was important to have a site that showed my html/technical design level.



Weekly Wrap-Up 1-15-17

Super excited my sketchbook with all my work from 2016 arrived from Lulu books. Second year in a row the colors and paper stock were top tier all the way.


Slowly adjusting back to a normal sleep schedule after vacation is always rough. A few nights I started a couple of sketches and the next day I couldn’t figure out what I was doing. That said it really helps to just draw faces to get some ideas down.














